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Woody Allen’s adopted daughter writes open letter about being sexually abused by him New York Times ↑
Mike Caro says:
Last night I watched the movie Zelig for the first time. It’s a Woody Allen masterpiece to be sure. Anne Hall is among my all-time favorite flicks, and I’m definitely not alone on that one.
So, it’s particularly upsetting to hear charges of sexual abuse leveled against Allen. They could be false, of course. But since it’s his adopted daughter making the claims, we should at least listen, but not convict.
Allen’s life is already tarnished by the fact that his 12-year marriage-like relationship with Mia Farrow disintegrated when he began a romance with her adopted 19-year-old daughter, Soon-Yi Previn. He then married Previn and the relationship endures after 17 years.
So, what do I think? I think Woody Allen has contributed greatly to my love of movies. The rest is the rest — and it isn’t pretty. — MC