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Government report favorable to Keystone Pipeline has environmentalists threatening civil disobedience to stop it anyway Fox News ↑
Mike Caro says:
The Keystone Pipeline will help the United States prosper and be a bit more energy independent. Fine. Few informed people doubt that. But is there a downside?
Well, it’s opposed vigorously by some environmental groups that have no trouble recruiting thousands of chanting protesters eager to save the planet from fossil fuels and to protect the environment. What’s wrong with that?
What’s wrong with that is this: They don’t really know why they’re protesting. It doesn’t matter whether it’s “No nukes,” stop the fracking, save the seals, or shut down Wall Street. These are hippie remnants — generations after the fact. And they’re no more analytic than the originals. I lived among those originals and I know what it’s about. It’s about sticking it to the man and going on an adventure. They never even bother to define who the man is, but he needs to be stuck. So, stop scratching your heads over this pipeline opposition. I’ve fully explained it.
Man. Adventure. That’s all you need to know. — MC