Mike Caro ← Go back

Mike Caro poker-tell video
Sit behind
▼ TYPE Poker tell ▼ TIME 59 seconds
Video notes
You should always strive to choose the right seat in a poker game.
There’s no such thing as a lucky chair, but some seats have greater expectation of profit. In other videos in this series, I show you how to choose a seat that is likely to make the most money.
But what if you don’t know the opponents? Here’s a great tip that will help you select the right seat, whenever you have a choice, even if you have never played against these opponents before.
Bonus notes
The Laws of Tells at the end of many of these videos are extra information and don’t always apply to the preceding tell.
AVAILABLE: You can visit our STORE at Poker1 to purchase your full-definition DVD of these tells!
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In several books I’ve read short articles or tips about seat arrangement, and they talk about the typical related themes, such as the benefits of having a loose player, or a tight-aggressive player, to one’s left or right. And of course you’ve written about it in several articles. But I haven’t read anyone else give this tip before. It seems like a very logical, and simple, idea. Thanks for sharing this secret.