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The story of Tokyo Rose as an American patriot The Blaze ↑
Mike Caro says:
Too many people still think of Tokyo Rose as a traitor. Actually, there were numerous women who played the part of Tokyo Rose, broadcasting from Japan to American troupes in the Pacific during World War II, with the intent of damaging morale.
The most famous of these was Iva Toguri, an American citizen who died in 2006. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison after the war, serving six. President Gerald Ford pardoned her in 1977, and this fascinating article examines why.
Yes, it’s published online by The Blaze, which is Glenn Beck’s site and leans strangely far right, semi-left on some social issues, libertarian, and religious (not a common mix). But this one is well worth your time and I recommend it. — MC