Poker1 news discussion
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Fake chips cause Atlantic City poker tournament cancellation The Province ↑
Mike Caro says:
As those few who have followed my efforts to stop poker cheating know, this isn’t the first time chips have been brought into tournaments. Fifteen years or so ago, I publicly revealed that I had been given $100 chips stolen from Los Angeles area Bicycle Casino tournaments.
They were provided as evidence of rigged tournaments by the late Russ Georgiev, an acknowledged cheat I had interviewed on video along with two of his colleagues. Although I disassociated from him when some of his accusations about others were provably wrong, he did give good testimony regarding his own misdeeds.
I eventually turned my evidence over to a former California attorney general who was representing the card clubs (including the Bicycle Casino, which had been victimized), after negotiations with Card Player magazine, acting as an intermediary. But I’m not sure anything ever came of the behind-the-scenes investigation. Maybe I should have persisted. — MC