Poker1 news discussion
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With Qaddafi gone, Shariah law brings fear to Libyan Christians, moderate Muslims, and intellectuals Fox News ↑
Sharia law examined gently Huffington Post ↑
The worst of Sharia law Now The End Begins site ↑
Mike Caro says:
What I don’t understand is why so many liberals aren’t passionately against this tyranny of Muslim fundamentalism. Under this law, homosexuals can be killed, women are horribly repressed, so-called honor killings are tolerated, and you can’t challenge any Muslim tenants, even if you’re not a Muslim.
Terror like this existed in the darkest and saddest of human history. Yet liberals, who shout about (and often invent) injustice in the United States seldom say anything about this. I’m not sure what the reason for that is, so I’m just asking out loud.
I’ve included two links that explain Sharia law. The first is from the Huffington Post. It tries to be non-judgmental. The second is from a seemingly radical Christian advocacy site that puts Sharia law in its worst light. Try to determine the truth yourself. — MC
Mike, Once again thank you for pointing out to the liberals what those of us with open minds have seen for years.