Poker1 news discussion
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Held over
Fox News ratings plummeting. The problem with this article is (see link below)… PoliticusUSA ↑
Here are the ratings TVbytheNumbers.com ↑
Mike Caro says:
It’s fascinating to see a whole population melt down mentally. I only included this piece from a prominent web site dedicated to liberal opinion and news so you could read the comments below it.
At this writing, there are 106 of them. Although “empty headed” doesn’t seem like a strong enough description to me, the comments speak forcefully in repeating whatever they’ve been told by their peers. And, presumably, no one wants to take the trouble to even investigate. Whether you like Fox News or not, it clearly isn’t what they think it is. And it would only take them a minute to flip the channel and find out. Scary stuff. — MC